Closing and Prizes | So, You Think You Can Paint?

Below is the list (in no particular order) of excepted artists in to the So You Think You Can Paint? The Chicago Edition.  Our Judging panel was pleased with much of the work, and the So, You Think You Can Paint? video will be playing at the reception.
Congratulations!  Thank you for participating and I hope to see you all at the reception Friday night from 6pm to 9pm, with Prizes awarded at 8:00pm!
Vincent Kral
Claudia Smalley
Matthew Schlagbuam
Christine Parisi
Vernetta Edwards
Steve Ruiz
Steven Frost
Jui Desai
Lauren La Rose
Margaret Clay
Betsy Zacsek
Michael Reynolds
Mike Lenkwoski
Rex Flodstrom
Allen Vandever
Kristina Gosh