How creative can you be with cookies & seeds? In the spirit of resourcefulness and gifting, we are asking you to contribute sets of 12 or more cookies or baked goods (with recipes) or seeds (with planting instructions or planted) that can be creatively packaged by you and given away by us as we push, ride or pull moveable sculptures through the Chicago Art Parade on May 2nd. Cookies and seeds will be passed out to people on the streets watching the parade. The items created must be made in a resourceful & responsible manner, creating no waste and as much nourishment and life as possible. All participants will be invited to share their recipes, ideas or furthur descriptions of the lives of their cookies & seeds on our blog in an effort to continue dialogue past the parade.
SVP to spoke at with your idea by April 20th. Drop off party & preparation party at Spoke April 30th (details will follow).All parts of this project are based on Spoke’s mission as a small collaborative enterprise interested in maintaining a spirit of resourcefulness, spontaneity, experimentation, access rather than exclusion, and interaction. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for creative individuals and groups to produce unique and innovative projects, events, performances, workshops, exhibitions and creative endeavors of all kinds.